Clip Art - Pictures and animation that is installed on Microsoft Office.
Crop - To make something smaller.
Desktop Publishing - When you use a desktop computer to produce camera-ready copy of a document for printing.
Drawing Canvas - Lets you draw shapes on Word.
Drawing Objects - Describes visible content such as a shape, bitmap, etc.
Endnote - Lets you put in text that will come up by itself at the end of every page.
Footer - Text that appears at the bottom of a document, automatically allowing it's self to add numbers or notes to know what page you're on.
Footnote - Text at the bottom of a document.
Graphics - The creation, editing, or publishing of pictures by a computer.
Hard Column Break - A tool used to split columns in to numerous columns.
Header - Text that appears at the top of every page in a document, which may include page numbers, running heads, or other information.
Sizing Handles - Lets you change the size of a document or program.
Style - A way to change on how the font looks.
Superscript - Characters that appear above the line of regular text and are smaller.
Template - A stored pattern for a document or part of a document from which new documents or parts of documents may be made.
Thesaurus - A book that provides synonyms and antonyms.
Thumbnails - Helps you make images smaller and larger.
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